
Heaven and Space, shared interest

April 12, 2012

The more I think about heaven, the more I think about space. Stars, solar systems, galaxies, nebulas, pulsars, quasars, black holes, all I find really fascinating.

So I’ve been reading up, trying to wade through some basic physics that I never learned in school and get to the “juicy” parts. Like, how do you make a star? How big is the universe?! What’s on the other side of a black hole?

With all that in mind, I have re-purposed my first blog (Talk With Bette) in order to use it for space-related articles: http://bettecox.wordpress.com. Talk With Bette has its own home now, http://talkwithbette.wordpress.com.

But speaking of heaven, I was thinking out loud in prayer the other night and commented on how important, how big, how complex the universe is. And the Lord commented right back to me, “Man is my most important creation.” Wow.

He reminded me that before I brought Smokey (the cat) to her new home, I prepared her habitat: food, water, toys, litter box. Before God brought Adam to his “home,” he prepared his habitat: Earth. Solar System. Galaxy. Universe.

A while back the Lord told me that to exist and survive in heaven, humans have to be adapted to its environment. That’s the why of conversion. He explained that Heaven is like the control tower for the universe. Boggles the mind…


  1. […] sent me a couple of pieces, “Other” and “Heaven and Space, shared interest,” with some fascinating points.  In “Other,” she writes about what […]

  2. […] Creation.  The second post links to and quotes from a couple of pieces, “Other” and “Heaven and Space, shared interest,” from my blogger and IRL friend Bette Cox, a prolific writer.  Bette gives a wonderful sense of […]

  3. Reblogged this on Esther's Petition and commented:

    First posted in 2012 on Speaking of Heaven.

  4. I am thankful for the Lord’s patient work in me, preparing me for my eternal home.

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